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Are you ready for Super Saturday?
Sydney and Melbourne are primed for the biggest auction weekend so far this year with more than 2000 properties ready to go under the hammer. Soon there'll be some ecstatic buyers who bought their dream property within their means and below their maximum purchase price and there'll be others who'll be cursing their actions having gone over their budget to "win" in the heat of the auction environment.
Many buyers think they can just turn up to an auction, raise their hand to make a bid and everything will be sweet. This is simply not the case. Auctions are unique environments complete with their own rules and regulations including an unconditional contract exchange. The strategies of auction bidding can't be learnt on the run and for some people the discipline of sticking to a pre-determined limit can never be achieved when put under such emotional conditions.
If you don't have the knowledge and know how then do what the smart money does and find someone who does and don't put you and your family under unnecessary financial stress for years to come because you wanted to 'win' the auction.
If you are planning to go it alone and bid yourself then the best advice I can give you is to grab a copy of my best-selling book The Insider's Guide to Saving Thousands at Auction. Inside you'll find out what you really need to know about the auction process. It’s the best way to get a behind the scenes understanding and discover the selling agents and auctioneers sneaky tricks to get you to pay over a sensible limit and more than you should. Oh, and the book comes with a 100% money back guarantee!